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Professional Business & Personal Coaching


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Key Coaching Benefits

 ... AND BY



OK so if we promised you the stars …. you wouldn't believe us!  But all of the “wishes” above are things which we have worked on successfully with our clients.

But consider ... its not just down to us.  Clearly you have to be committed to executing the plans and steps which you set yourself.  That's why you set the goals and objectives, which also means you decide the beneficial outcomes you desire from your coaching programme.

And there are some powerful generic benefits which you can expect from just working regularly with a coach.

With a coach, you will :-

Take more, better and smarter actions

Achieve more and do so faster

Make better quality decisions for yourself and business

Increase balance & understanding of your needs

Become more resourceful

Reach for more & bigger goals

For the business minded, the speed of reaching key decisions, plans and actions creates additional benefit when evaluating opportunities and also increases the cost effective use of your time.

Topics for Coaching

Topics for Coaching vary immensely being essentially, whatever matters to you.   To illustrate, a few common examples are :-

* feeling stuck/ unhappy/ unfulfilled

* starting a new business & making it successful

* being unhappy/ needing a new direction

* balancing work and life

* wanting more success, recognition or reward from your career

* dealing with redundancy or other changes

* relationships (seeking, ending or improving)

* isolation and loneliness

* lack of confidence and poor self-esteem

* family & financial worries

* effective planning

* Sticking to objectives (e.g. fitness and diet programmes)  

Some clients want very specific help with a short term goal (e.g. making a speech); others may want longer term support to make major life changes.  

We have some special frameworks and exercises to help you quickly identify and prioritise your primary coaching topics.

It is worth noting that coaching differs from therapies such as counselling and psychotherapy in several important aspects:-

It is forward looking, dealing primarily with the present and the future

It concerns achievement/enhancement, rather than correction or remedy

It is not a medical treatment and does not address a clinical condition

It is highly relevant to successful people as well as ones aspiring to success

Professional coaches will share any concerns, should they come to believe that an alternative approach would be more beneficial to you.

Topics and Benefits